We can’t do it without the armor.

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feetContinue reading “We can’t do it without the armor.”

Opening my eyes for a CHANGE!

Today a friend of mine posted a comment on Facebook that hit me in the heart.  He was talking about how he decided to open his eyes and see the blessings in the world around him. “… I opened my eyes for a change.” When I read his comment the thought immediately started rolling aroundContinue reading “Opening my eyes for a CHANGE!”

The dog ran away, we talked about the devil, and we washed each others feet.

Sound like a country song? Last night my wife and I were able to share a very special time with our four daughters. It all began the previous evening when our dog Charlie made a run for it when I opened the gate to move a motorcycle project into our garage. As I walked downContinue reading “The dog ran away, we talked about the devil, and we washed each others feet.”

Now Reading… “Not A Fan” by Kyle Idleman

I just started this book yesterday but already look forward to reading it every chance I get.  “Not A Fan” is a challenge to those who believe in Jesus, who do good things in the name of Jesus, and who think they are living their life for Jesus to take a serious look to seeContinue reading “Now Reading… “Not A Fan” by Kyle Idleman”

It’s All About Love, Love, Love….

It’s all about love. Seems like a simple philosophy and really, it is.  But living by it is another story.  Processing everything we do, say, think, and plan through a filter of love may seem impossible – especially if you’ve tried before.  I mean, how can a person really do all things out of aContinue reading “It’s All About Love, Love, Love….”

Why It’s So Important To Look Past Our Shiny Exterior And Into The Very Core Of Who We Are.

What’s at the very core of who you are? Imagine the perfect apple.  It has a beautiful, shiny red exterior – free of bruises and dents.  The stem curves slightly from the top, with one green leaf still attached.  As you eat it, it tastes delicious!  It’s not too hard, but not too soft.  ThereContinue reading “Why It’s So Important To Look Past Our Shiny Exterior And Into The Very Core Of Who We Are.”