5 Ways for Husbands and Wives to Face the Holidays as a Team.

When it comes to the joy and the stress of the holidays, how do you and your spouse approach it? As a united team? Or do tinsel, gift giving, and extended family get-togethers turn you against each other? If you and your spouse are struggling to face the holidays together, here are 5 ways youContinue reading “5 Ways for Husbands and Wives to Face the Holidays as a Team.”

From Weakling to Warrior. Gideon did it and so can you!

As I was talking with a friend today we discussed how the mighty men – the warriors – in the bible are no different that we are.  They were ordinary men.  Most of them had jobs, families, responsibilities, and similar every-day problems that we have to deal with today.  However, many times when we readContinue reading “From Weakling to Warrior. Gideon did it and so can you!”

Developing A Strong Spiritual Core.

A good personal trainer will emphasize the importance of a strong core. The core of your body is the mid-section and includes your abdominal muscles as well as those in your lower back and ones that attach to your hips.  Training and developing these muscles is very important if you want to have a healthy,Continue reading “Developing A Strong Spiritual Core.”

Something Amazing. Something Powerful. Something New!

Think of the greatest thing God has done for you. What is the biggest miracle you’ve ever experienced?  When was the most powerful time of worship you’ve ever encountered?  How was your biggest stronghold conquered? What is the greatest thing that God has done in your life? As you reflect on this awesome experience orContinue reading “Something Amazing. Something Powerful. Something New!”

Why An Inactive Bank Card Is Much Like A Faithless Christian.

Have you ever gotten a new bank card and on the back it has the sticker that says, “Please call to activate this card”?  You will find out fast that while the card is real, it is yours, and it is full of potential – it is totally useless to you until you activate it. That’sContinue reading “Why An Inactive Bank Card Is Much Like A Faithless Christian.”