It’s Not Just Another Friday!

It’s Good Friday! “All Fridays are good!”, you may say. Yes, but not as good as this one. This is the one that reminds us of what Jesus did on the cross for you and me. He died for us. He died for the people you like and the people you dislike. He died forContinue reading “It’s Not Just Another Friday!”

Want A Closer Walk With Jesus? Know When To Quit.

Today I encourage you to Quit. Why in the world would I suggest that, you ask?  If we are not careful, we can get so wrapped up in doing that we lose sight of what matters. Our intentions are good. The things we do are even good. But there comes a time when we have toContinue reading “Want A Closer Walk With Jesus? Know When To Quit.”

Getting In the Christmas Spirit

This is not a preachy, holier-than-thou post where we’ll talk about how people need to focus more on the real meaning of Christmas and less on the superficial. It’s not about whether people have forgotten what Christmas means or how it began or why it’s so important. It’s about something much simpler.  It’s about aContinue reading “Getting In the Christmas Spirit”

At the End of a Long Dirt Road

I grew up as a Pastor’s son in Clinton, SC and was privileged to be around many wonderful Christians.  However, there was one lady that had a profound influence on me as a child. Her name was Sister Crane.  I never knew her first name.  She lived in a 2 room house, if you couldContinue reading “At the End of a Long Dirt Road”

Get Your Sticker!

These can really be great conversation starters.  Especially if you get out of your vehicle with full medieval armor and speak with an old english accent.  Better yet, just get out and don’t speak.  Just stare. You’re bound to get attention and someone will likely ask you what your up to.  They will probably beContinue reading “Get Your Sticker!”