Rotten Apple Wars: A Word on Maturity.

I have a lot of great childhood memories. I remember how the warm Virginia summertime seemed to last forever. I remember the time my dad and I put firecrackers inside matchbox cars to see if they would blow up. I remember mom baking what seemed like hundreds of cookies around Christmastime. I remember having aContinue reading “Rotten Apple Wars: A Word on Maturity.”

Don’t Become a Resolution Statistic!

So have you planned any resolutions for 2012? The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to start fresh. You have 365 days ahead of you loaded with potential. Potential for adding exercise to your schedule. Potential for loosing that 20 pounds you’ve watched accumulate over the past few years.  Potential to quitContinue reading “Don’t Become a Resolution Statistic!”

Keep Talking About Jesus… Someone Just Might Be Listening.

It’s the Christmas season and if you have young children you’ve probably had to be very careful about talking about Christmas presents in their….. presence.  It’s amazing how well they can hear you when you are whispering about the new game you bought them but, when you tell them to clean their room they neverContinue reading “Keep Talking About Jesus… Someone Just Might Be Listening.”

Just When You Think You Have God Figured Out….

Bam! It hits out of nowhere!   The mysteriousness of God.   His characteristically outside-of-the-box way of doing things.  Something happens so far outside of what I am expecting at that moment that it just puts me in awe.  It makes me wonder how He does it.  I mean, I know He’s God.  He can doContinue reading “Just When You Think You Have God Figured Out….”

Proving Our Value. (With a little help from Andrew Jackson)

The other night our pastor shared this example with us…. He held up a nice, clean twenty dollar bill and asked who would want it.  Of course most people said they would. You don’t have to ask me twice . Then, he took the perfectly good Andrew Jackson and crinkled it up in his hands. Continue reading “Proving Our Value. (With a little help from Andrew Jackson)”