That Angry Gentleman at the Restaurant

The man’s facial expression betrayed any attempt he might have put forward to hide his frustration. I could tell when I caught a glimpse of him. My family was sitting behind his table at a local restaurant, close enough that I could hear his annoyed huffing, but far enough away that he didn’t feel meContinue reading “That Angry Gentleman at the Restaurant”

Men, are you living a life of adventure or certain death?

It is important for a man to set guards around his life to protect his purity, honor, and integrity.  In today’s world men are bombarded by a sexualized culture where right and wrong have been significantly blended into a more comfortable gray.  For us to be the men of God that we are called toContinue reading “Men, are you living a life of adventure or certain death?”

Hello, My Name Is _________________

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if any person you’ve came into contact with during the past week decided to visit your church Sunday? To clarify, I’m not referring to someone who you may have been praying for and inviting for weeks.  I’m talking about someone you’ve come in contact withContinue reading “Hello, My Name Is _________________”

Blue Lights In My Rearview… My Up-Close Experience With The Law.

So tell me… have you ever been stopped by a police officer? If you have, I think most will agree that it’s a pretty uncomfortable experience!  It starts when you look in your rear view mirror and see the police car behind you.  You quickly look down to check your speed.  Then look back toContinue reading “Blue Lights In My Rearview… My Up-Close Experience With The Law.”

Big Decisions and Beach Front Mansions.

  Think for a moment that our lives are like a walk on the beach. When we are born, our walk begins. The warm sun is rising over the horizon, glistening in the ocean’s waves. We look ahead and can’t see the end of the beach, the days ahead seem innumerable and full of potential.Continue reading “Big Decisions and Beach Front Mansions.”

Keep Talking About Jesus… Someone Just Might Be Listening.

It’s the Christmas season and if you have young children you’ve probably had to be very careful about talking about Christmas presents in their….. presence.  It’s amazing how well they can hear you when you are whispering about the new game you bought them but, when you tell them to clean their room they neverContinue reading “Keep Talking About Jesus… Someone Just Might Be Listening.”