Why to consider your spiritual attacks an honor.

President Woodrow Wilson once said “If you want to make enemies, try to change something.” . It may seem that things have gotten tougher since you’ve decided to serve God or deepen your commitment to Him. That’s to be expected. Satan comes against us harder when we are determined to live our lives for JesusContinue reading “Why to consider your spiritual attacks an honor.”

Defeating the ME in each of us!

It something we all face every day. It’s the selfish, self-serving, self-preserving side of us that wants to fulfill our flesh-generated desires with micro-fast speed.  It’s the side of us that does not want to be bothered with other people’s problems, with day-altering decisions, or requests for our time, our service, or our stuff. TheContinue reading “Defeating the ME in each of us!”

Hello, My Name Is _________________

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if any person you’ve came into contact with during the past week decided to visit your church Sunday? To clarify, I’m not referring to someone who you may have been praying for and inviting for weeks.  I’m talking about someone you’ve come in contact withContinue reading “Hello, My Name Is _________________”

What Frustrates You? Will it matter in 1000 years?

So tell me… what frustrates you? Something may have immediately come to mind, or maybe you have to think a bit, but I’m sure before too long you can think of at least one thing that gets to you.  These are usually insignificant but powerful little things that change our entire mood when we encounterContinue reading “What Frustrates You? Will it matter in 1000 years?”

What I Meant To Say Was…… Something Different Than What You Heard Me Say!

Have you ever heard any of these? Oh, I was waving at the person behind you, sorry. Or maybe… Wow. I had no idea you thought I felt that way. I just don’t see our relationship going that direction. Or how about…… I actually wanted to find out if they wanted to help with thisContinue reading “What I Meant To Say Was…… Something Different Than What You Heard Me Say!”